Saturday 24 November 2012

Analysis of goals and strategies

After the problem tree, we define now the goals and strategies of our intervention, for what we will use, again, a graph, that we will complement with a subsequent analysis. 

Strategy out of the project

After elaborating the goal tree, we used economical, technical and human criteria to choose which ones will be in the project and which one will be out of it.

Since it is an incipient project and we don't have a precise inventory of the resources we will have, we decided to keep wide our field of intervention, rejecting only those goals or results that we can't attain on our own, due to technical issues or functional handicaps.
Thus, we gathered some of the elements on the graph in the "Institutional strategy". Although, in a long-term vision, we would be in a target situation where we would have some capacity to lobby public institutions in order to foster their intervention in specific initiatives, currently this is impossible for us. Therefore, even though we will resort to all the means in our hands to achieve them, we don't consider these results and objectives attributable to our project:
  • Limitation of external interference in local groups and institutions.
  • Fostering of dialogue to establish new regional and national borders.
  • Governmental practices become more democratic.
  • Situation of public safety (post-conflict reconciliation is not enough to assure it).
  • Investment in civil infrastructures.

Strategies inside the project

Next, we linked all the other results of the project to 2 different strategies. This decision is due to the possibility of applying both strategies, either conjointly, either separately. 

  • Economical and technical strategy”. This is a consequence of the implication of "North" media in the project. It will consist in 2 main actions:
    • Sharing know-how. Technical assistance to members of local media.
    • Development of equipment and infrastructures. In some cases they will be new, but we will often look for cessions to reduce costs and environmental impact.

  • Educational strategy”. As it is already explained on the graph, it will include initiatives in three fields: formal, non-formal and informal. We consider education as a basic tool to reach development, both individually and for the community; even more in post-conflict situations where the people was deprived of this right. In addition, to achieve the goals of our organization it will be essential to fight illiteracy, because it would be useless to support the foundation of inclusive and participatory local media if later the inhabitants of the territory can't understand the information they get. In order to be able to develop educational programs adequate for every social group, we will get involved in the projects several professionals from different spheres: teachers, psycho-pedagogues, social educators, psychologists, etc.  

We didn't specified to which strategy would correspond every global goal (except those included in the "Institutional strategy"), because we believe they would be reached by a right combination of the "Educational strategy" and the "Economical and technical strategy".

Problem tree

In this schema we show the problems of the target groups and beneficiaries, identifying the causes and its consequences.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Stakeholders analysis

It is quite complicated to examine, very concretely, the stakeholders in the constitution of this NGDO. However, based on the aims of the organization and its priority areas of intervention (explained before), we will be able to search certain elements that, predictably, will be in common for the specific projects carried out in the future.

We will have to do new stakeholders analysis when we plan every new project, completing, reaffirming or correcting what is included in this document.