Saturday 1 December 2012

Appreciation criteria and schedule

Activity and resource scheduling

  • Human Resources. In a project with 4 workers (plus the Project Coordinator), we will try to hire 2 local workers and 2 "North" workers (we don't specify their country due to our multinational vocation). Salaries will be adequate to local standards, plus a complement (about 20%) to improve life-quality of local workers and facilitate the recruitment of more qualified staff coming from the "North".

  • Material Resources. Most of the equipment we will provide local media with will come from the "North", since it's more difficult to buy these hi-tech goods in the countries where we will carry out our projects. We will focus our efforts to get an active involvement of "North" media, either directly - with their "Corporate Social Responsibility" funds-, either indirectly - through associations or foundations linked to them-, so we can often get these equipment for free from them (sometimes they will be goods that "North" media own but don't use any more). The objectives of this strategy are to reduce costs and to lessen the project's ecological footprint
    However, in order to contribute to the development of the local industry and commerce, we will buy to local producers and retailers as much as possible of our needs in: furniture, office supplies, building supplies and materials, maintenance and cleaning goods.

Appreciation criteria

  • Project feasibility. The project looks for a lasting impact on intercultural relations (based on ethnic group, religion, social class or gender) in societies with a low community development or in a post-conflict situation. Likewise, we will work for a permanent improvement of community development.
    The feasibility of our actions requires a previous validation and integration of the Logical Framework Matrix model.
    We will work to reinforce existing actions related to our goals and consolidate alliances between public and private organizations on this topics. More specifically, to assure their feasibility, for the actions "Foundation of education centres for underprivileged people" and "organization of activities with participants from different social and ethnic groups", we will build strategic synergies with other NGDO or local associations with experience implementing social and educational activities.

  • Strengthening of local capacities. The whole project will be focused to strength local capacities, both in the public and private sectors. This will be done through a mixed intervention process, with participation of native and "North" workers and volunteers, allowing the necessary "know-how" transmission to assure the implemented initiatives live on after the end of the project. We will also provide local organizations with some hi-tech equipment, difficult to be bought in the country.
    Furthermore, we will reinforce public and private actions whose goals are pacific coexistence and communication at all levels.

  • Participation. So far we couldn't open participation to other people, but we are strongly committed to obtain ideas, suggestions or even corrections and viewpoint changes, from as many sources as possible. This includes the local counterpart, public institutions (from the "North" and local) and other NGDO with experience on the topic or the territory of implementation.
    The participation of other NGDO will be considered as a priority goal, in order to improve the project's plan and optimize resources.

  • Coherence. The selection of the countries where we will carry out our projects will be based on their own inner conditions, giving priority, as we said, to those ones where an armed conflict finished recently. 
    At a regional level, the project comes to lessen the gap in life conditions between urban areas and other centres of population (generally rural or outlying districts).
    At an international level, the project is coherent with international laws and priorities fixed by several international organizations, included UN.
    Finally, we can highlight that the project is coherent at an institutional level, considering that it  is based on the working strategy of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID, by its acronym in Spanish).

  • Expected impacts. We expect to raise people's awareness of communication as a way to overpass previous stereotypes and attain effective reconciliation after a conflict. We will design specific awareness campaigns for teaching staff collaborating with the project to get these values embraced by them, so they can continue transmitting them after the end of the project.
    We also expect that local inhabitants develop their own initiatives (with our support, if required). The project has the cross-curricular condition of establishing a sustainable, self-sufficient, inclusive and multicultural model.

  • Gender approach. The project keeps the goal of gender balance at all levels, looking for involvement of a similar amount of men an women, not only as participants, but also as workers or project partners.
    Some specific activities will be organized to overpass gender stereotypes in patriarchal societies.

  • Net approach. We want to facilitate the creation and strengthening of synergies between all the stakeholders: local counterpart, local associations, partner NGDO, local institutions, "North" institutions and local endogamous groups without previous stable relations

  • Project cycle management. This project respects every step of the project cycle included in the manual elaborated by the European Commission.
    The project started in November 2011, with an analysis to define the situation in post-conflict countries and countries with low community development.
    We will evaluate the project at different levels, including, at least, one mid-term evaluation, several evaluations of the most relevant actions and one final evaluation. We will also try to do one evaluation a posteriori, between 2 and 5 years after the end of the project, to measure the permanence of the impacts initially attained.

Example schedule: